Field does not appear in public

This topic contains 14 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Anna Edvall 4 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #38435

    I just bougt FES and made my first form.
    When I test it, it doesn’t work in public. Just the categorys, venue and date. My text forms does not appear in admin or in public.
    And the form also uses monospace instead of my thems fonts.
    What to do?

    Anna Edvall

    Hi Anna,

    Where you’ve used the shortcode you’ve included it in <code></code> tags. This can happen if you company and paste the shortcdoe from a webpage. If you switch to the text editor you can remove those tags. That should fix the monospace issue.

    What text field is not appearing? Please note that any custom fields will not appear by default, they just get stored in post_meta using the key you defined when creating the form. For this to display in the published event, you’d need to edit the event templates

    Stephen Harris

    Your first tip did work, so now my form has the right font.

    I probably used som custom fields.
    I can not edit the template only with that small information that you have on your site.
    Do you have a “instruction for dummies”?

    My form:
    My single event:


    Anna Edvall

    …and I can not find any “disabled template handling on Settings > Event Organiser > General”.
    It is not visible in my admin.

    Anna Edvall

    Hello again.
    I need to change url, to avoid conflict, when testing other plugins.
    I started a subsite so I want to change it to – how do I do?


    Anna Edvall

    Hello again.
    Now it is four days since I heard something about this. Have you forgotten my questions?

    Anna Edvall

    Apologies Anna,

    You add the following to the event templates:

     $value = get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), 'my_key', true );
     echo $value;

    Just replace ‘my_key’ with the name of the key you are using the event form. You’ll probably want to edit the event-meta-single-event.php template file in event-organiser/templates (copy it to your theme and edit it there).

    Stephen Harris

    I can now NOT test on my site there where I started your plugin.
    I think it is going to start a conflict with another form that I use right now. I want to move your plugin to a subsite:
    Please help me, I pay money for it and really want to test it.

    Anna Edvall

    Hello again
    Now another week has past away and I haven’t been able to test my purchase.
    Is the support not included in the purchase?

    Anna Edvall

    Hi Anna,

    My apologies that you’ve not had a timely response.

    You should be able to install the plug-in on any site (just upload the plug-in to wp-content directory). The license key might be report as invalid but the plug-in will still function. You can also remove a site from your license by logging into

    If you are using the plug-on on a network site, you can also network activate it across all sites in the network.

    If you encounter any issues and wish to request a refund please get in touch via

    Apologies again for the delay in getting back to you

    Stephen Harris

    I did past the code:
    $value = get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), ‘ID_13’, true );
    echo $value;
    in my event-meta-single-event.php that I put into my theme´s folder.

    Nothing happens when I view the event. What did I do wrong?

    Anna Edvall

    Hi Anna,

    That looks correct. Things you can check.

    1) Replace echo $value; with echo "metadata: " . $value;. If you can see metadata: but no value, that confirms your template changes are taking effect, but that the $value is empty. If you still see no difference, then the problem is the template changes are not taking effect.

    2) Assuming you can see metadata: after you make the changes above, go to the event in the admin dashboard – in the “custom fields” section you should see the custom field key you defined the field under the “name” column, and the value that was entered when the event was created under the “value” column.

    3) If you see the value in the admin dashboard, then just make sure that you change 'ID_13' to match the key you see under the name column. If you don’t see it there, then either the event was created with that value supplied, or no key was entered when the form field was created. Simply edit the event field in question and ensure you’ve provided a Meta key

    If you’re still having issues, please get in touch via as to help any further I’d probably need access to the site if you can provide it.

    Stephen Harris

    I sent you an e-mail in “contact” two weeks ago, but havn’t got an answar?!

    Anna Edvall

    Hi Anna,

    My apologies, I didn’t receive an email. I’ll reach out to you directly

    Stephen Harris

    Now this starts to bee really annoying. I bought this in august and have not been abel too try it, because you just say you will help me but do not give me any feedback, just want me too email you. I hav sent several e-mails end logins but still no feedback.
    I feel deceived with my money that I payd.

    Anna Edvall
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