Fetching iCal – Unknown Error

This topic contains 13 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 9 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #15359

    I just added an iCal feed and when it tries to fetch it, I get “Unknown Error”.



    Hi Jordan,

    This usually happens when the site is unable to reach the iCal feed. Can you provide the url of the feed?

    Stephen Harris

    I have the same problem. The fetching of the calendar always worked, but now I receive “Unknown Error”. Any ideas how to fix it?
    Thank you!

    Eva Mueller

    Thanks for the e-mail Eva, I’ll be in touch.

    Stephen Harris

    Hi Jordan,

    Thanks for posting that. The iCal feed you linked to was quite slow in generating, so I think the issue was probably a timeout one. Subsequent updates have increased the timeout limit to circumvent this problem, which version are you currently running, and are you still getting the ‘unknown error’ message?

    Stephen Harris

    I just updated to 2.12.3 and tried fetching the iCal twice. I still received the “Unknown Error”.


    Hi Jordan,

    I’ve just sent you an e-mail regarding this issue.

    Stephen Harris

    I have been getting the same error message and “[Line 9] Invalid datetime “20150926”. Date expected in YYYYMMDDTHHiissZ or YYYYMMDDTHHiiss format.”

    Here is the feed: webcal://stanza.co/api/schedules/umn/m-footbl/m-footbl.ics?language=english

    Leo Busker

    Hi Leo,

    That error is different from Jordan’s, but has also been discussed elsewhere on the forums. The iCal source is incorrectly formatted.

    The plug-in is currently quite strict in that feeds which deviate from the iCal specification may cause errors. In a future update it will probably be made more forgiving, in the mean time you can install this extension which acts as a work-around for incorrectly formatted feeds: https://gist.github.com/stephenharris/1a2c7f024f15b278e121

    Stephen Harris

    Hi Stephen,

    How do I install this work around? The download is a .tar

    Sorry for my lack of knowledge in this matter.


    Leo Busker

    Hmm, that’s annoying. I’ve uploaded here for now.

    Stephen Harris

    Stephen, can i send you my feed url so you can see if there is something obvious? I am getting unknown error

    Please send me email so I do not have to post feed.

    Chuck Menzel

    Hi Chuck, I’ve just sent you an e-mail.

    Stephen Harris
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