FES Venue Select

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Benjamin Ogg 9 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #20192

    Dear Stephen

    • The select dropdown in the FES form is showing as the selected (first) item the label instead of «please select venue» or similar. This is a bit confusing for the user.
    • If I set the venue field as mandatory but the user makes no choice, the form is sent, but without no venue.
    • The wording «new category» in the drop down should be «new venue» as this would be more clear for the user.

    Thanks for your awesome work.
    Cheers, Benjamin.

    Benjamin Ogg

    Hi Benjamin,

    Could you clarify (1)? Am I right in thinking that when you view the form the venue select field as the the first venue selected, rather than a ‘Select a venue’ message?

    (2) I can confirm, and this will be fixed shortly.

    (3) I an confirm this is also. This is affecting the German translation only: the .po to .mo conversion does try to merge similar strings, but they are marked as ‘fuzzy’ and not used until approved by a human. I can only assume it was accidentally approved. Are you able to provide the correct German translation?

    Thanks for reporting these bugs.

    Stephen Harris

    Hi Stephen

    (1) Sorry for being unclear. I think it could have to do with the translations (english/german). Is «select a venue» translated as «Veranstaltungsort»? If so, «select a venue» should be translated to «Veranstaltungsort auswählen». That would make sense! Right now the venue select field shows «event venue» instead of «select a venue». It shows «event venue» first, then «select a venue» and then starts to list the venues that are already in the database.

    (2) Great! Thank you!

    (3) The correct german translation for «select a venue» is «Veranstaltungsort auswählen» and for «new venue» its «Veranstaltungsort erfassen». If you need more help with german translations, I would be glad to help!

    Great plugin, superbe support – thank you Stephen!
    Cheers, Benjamin.

    Benjamin Ogg

    An update was released today to address the above issues. Thanks again for reporting.

    Stephen Harris

    Awesome! Thank you very much, Stephen.
    Cheers, Benjamin

    Benjamin Ogg
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