FES extension

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 7 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #29180 Reply

    I’ve just installed the Free version of EO from WP repo and have some questions about it and the FES extension.

    1. Your FES mentioned “Each of the frontend submission forms will have its own settings.”
      I just want to make sure the settings include event category.

    2. In the free EO, I don’t see featured image on single event page, neither in the event list page, or widget. Is that normal or is there something wrong with my website?

    3. I don’t see Search Event option anywhere. Is it only available in Pro ? What about FES extension?

    4. Do we get shortcodes for Event Venues feed and Event category feed?


    #29206 Reply

    1). Each form does have its own settings, which includes notification settings, the status events are given after submission etc. There’s no setting for category. You can add an event category field and the submitter can select a category though.

    It would be fairly straightforward, with a few lines of code, to assign events from a particular form to a category, however.

    2) If you have theme compatibility enabled you should see thumbnail images on the event pages (though not the event list shortcode or widget). For the single event page, or when theme compatibility is not enabled, it will depend on your theme templates.

    3) The event search shortcode is only available in Pro

    4) Yes, it’s in the free version: http://docs.wp-event-organiser.com/shortcodes/subscribe-link/

    Stephen Harris
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