FES doesn't connect to Advanced Custom Fields any more

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums Frontend Submissions FES doesn't connect to Advanced Custom Fields any more

This topic contains 1 reply, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Katja Krüger 2 years, 12 months ago.

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    one year ago I made templates to store user entries for events in the database to show the events in a venue map https://esseninmehrweg.de/aktionstage-karte/. I used meta keys in FES I made with the Advanced custom fields Plugin. Tomorrow the action https://esseninmehrweg.de/aktionstage/ should start again and since two days I’m not able to store the user inputs in the fields.
    before I had fields in ACF like ‘gastro-mail’ and the users entry was stored there.
    Now the system makes a filed _gastro-mail with an entry like field_609139f09c019 and the field gastro-mail is empty.
    Please, how can solve this problem?????

    Viele Grüße Katja Krüger

    Katja Krüger

    This can be deleted, I solved the problem!

    Katja Krüger
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