FES Demo?

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Christie 7 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #29238 Reply

    Is it possible to get a demo of FES? It doesn’t seem to be installed on the try-it demo site.


    #29287 Reply

    Hi Christie,

    My apologies for not replying sooner. Currently only Pro is demoable via the http://try-it.wp-event-organiser.com.

    There are no immediate plans to include the FES extension, but if you have any questions, please let me know.

    Stephen Harris
    #29289 Reply

    Does FES include all the functionality of adding events on the backend? Recurring, categories, maps, etc?

    Is FES completely functional such that a user would never have to use the admin dashboard for adding, editing, managing events?


    #29290 Reply

    Essentially yes. You can create a form which allows the user to

    • Create recurring events
    • Assign, and optionally, create, categories/tags/venues
    • Attach thumbnails
    • Assign values to pre-defined custom fields (i.e post meta). While there is no equivalent of the ‘custom fields’ metabox, you can add form fields (text input, textarea, dropdown, radio, select etc) which allows the user to provide a value for the custom field key attached to that field.

    You can also enable front-end editing, but this requires a constant to bet set in your wp-config.php.

    Please note that FES only provides the ability to add front-facing forms to create or edit events. It doesn’t provide any front-facing event management interfaces such as lists/tables/calendars beyond what you get in the free version.

    Stephen Harris
    #29348 Reply

    I have installed FES and it’s working great. However, I do need to allow users to be able to edit their event from the front end. (Guest event submission is not allowed.)

    I cannot find in the documentation about the constant to set in wp-config. Can you provide more info?


    #29349 Reply

    Never mind. I found it after some digging in the forums.


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