This topic contains 9 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 9 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #15409

    Hi Stephen

    Please allow three questions concering your superbe FES add-on:

    1. Translation of Labels in Form

    The following labels are listed in english when you run a wp-installation in another language: «First Name», «Last Name», «Event Start» and «Event End». Is it possible to alter this in the form editor or could you do this with the plugin? (By the way: in the booking form the labels are translated as they should…)

    2. E-Mail Address

    How can I retrieve an email address entered in the FES-form? Where is it saved to? By the way: I am facing transmission errors when I set the e-mail as a mandatory field… if not: works fine.

    3. Admin Notification Mail

    The link «You can view and edit the event here» in the admin notification email is not working and seems to be empty.

    Keep your great work. You are awesome!

    Cheers, Benjamin

    Benjamin Ogg

    Hi Benjamin,

    1. I’ll take a look at this – FES only has a Swedish translation at the moment, so is this a case of the text in question not being translatable? Or just not translated? (If this relates to the booking form customiser, please note that that requires the translations in .json format, which will be done for any submitted translations).

    2.You can do this via: eo_fes_get_submitted_event_meta( $event_id, 'submitter_email' );, where $event_id the submitted event ID. If the submitter is logged-in then the event submitter’s user ID is used to retrieve the e-mail, otherwise the e-mail stored with the event is used. What errors are you seeing?

    3. Thanks for reporting this – this will be fixed in 1.1.5 (due today)

    Stephen Harris

    Dear Stephen

    1.It is just not translated. I will do my best to help with the german translation here soon!

    2.Can I see the e-mail somewhere in the WP admin area? I have «allow guest submissions» enabled. So if I have to get back to the person that did a guest submission, it would be awesome to have the e-mail address available in the admin area.
    If I have the e-mail field to required the form can not be sent. After form submission it clears the e-mail input field and gives an «Please fill in all required fields» and «Some fields are not valid»-error. Please note that I certainly inserted a valid e-mail address.

    3.Awesome! Thank you so much.

    Cheers, Benjamin

    Benjamin Ogg

    Hi Benjamin,

    No – but I agree, the e-mail should appear somewhere.

    I’ll look into the issue with the e-mail. In fact, the required status shouldn’t be toggle-able, it should be required (I’m assuming you’re referring to the plug-in added e-mail field, as opposed to a generic e-mail field added?).

    Stephen Harris

    Hi Stephen

    It would be awesome, if you could integrate the e-mail in the admin area.

    You are right: I refer to the plug-in added e-mail field that is toggle-able at the moment

    Greetings, Benjamin

    Benjamin Ogg

    Hi Benjamin,

    Just to let you know, that 1.2.0 will display either the user e-mail (for guest submitters) or link to the account profile of the submitter for logged-in users. This will appear in the publish metabox, where currently it just states “This event was submitted by <name> on <date>”.

    Stephen Harris

    Hi Stephen

    Awesome! Thanks a lot.

    By the way: meanwhile I translated FES in german. Hope that helps…

    Cheers, Benjamin

    Benjamin Ogg

    Hi Benjamin,

    I’ve not been able to replicate the issue regarding the e-mail field. I assume you’re using v1.1.5 currently?

    (Just so you know I’m about to release 1.1.6 later today to address an entirely different issue – as it stands this probably won’t address the bug regarding the e-mail field).

    Also, just to clarify. You’re submitting an event as a logged-out user, and you’re providing an e-mail address. After submitting, you get some generic errors, and the e-mail field is now empty. Do you get any error messages specific to the e-mail field? (If the e-mail field is in error a messages should appear beneath it).

    Stephen Harris

    Hi Stephen

    Just updated from 1.1.5 to 1.1.6. Now all labels are correctly translated. Awesome!

    I am still facing the issue with the email field though. The E-Mail Input field is auto-cleared when submitting the form. Beneath the e-mail-field it says «Mandatory Field» and above the form it says «Fill in all mandatory fields» and «some fields are not valid». Weird!

    When using the form builder in the backend you have to insert a metakey (existing or new) in the E-Mail field. Do you think this leads to the error? What has to be inserted there correctly?

    Benjamin Ogg

    For the e-mail field with ID “email”, this can be ignored. (In general, it would require a meta data key, the UI is a bit confusing in that respect).

    I think I’d probably need access to the site to determine quite what’s going on here. Clearly, the data is not getting from the form to the server – I suspect that might be due to the server looking in the wrong place (i.e. name attribute for e-mail field is one thing and server is looking in the wrong place in $_POST).

    I’ll be in touch via e-mail.

    Stephen Harris
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