Feed Not Found

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 4 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #39138

    We’re running Event Organiser ICAL Sync 3.10.2 along with Event Organiser 3.10.2 and using the Google Calendar Feed with the URL

    When it attempts to fetch the feed, it’s coming back with “Feed not found”. When I go to the feed directly, it appears to be there and working fine.

    Any ideas as to what might be the cause?

    Thank you.

    Kraig Sederquist

    Hi Kraig,

    That’s not an ical feed. To get the ical feed for Google calendar,, under ‘My Calendars’ select the ‘Settings and Sharing’ option for that calendar.

    Then scroll down and find the ‘secret address in ical format’. That’s the url you should use.

    Stephen Harris
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