Features in Pro?

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 10 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #11777 Reply

    Hi, could you confirm whether Event Organiser Pro would give me the following features:

    Integration with PayPal
    Attendee pre-approval for sensitive events (i.e we have to approve their registration, then take payment)
    Waiting lists
    Free events

    Thanks, Richard

    Richard Wilding
    #11779 Reply

    Hi Richard,

    Integration with PayPal
    Yes, this one of the default gateways provided. (Offline payments being the second).

    Attendee pre-approval for sensitive events
    It would depend how you would like to implement this. You could use the “offline” gateway. Then when an attendee is approved, arrange for payment via PayPal.

    Something a bit more advanced, (but would require some custom code to implement) would be to redirect the user after making to a page indicating that they will be able to complete the booking once they’ve been approved. And then when approved the bookee is sent an e-mail address through which they can make payment.

    Waiting lists
    No, unfortunately not.

    Free events
    Yes, absolutely.

    If you have any further questions, I’d be happy to answer them. If there are features listed above (or otherwise) that the plug-in doesn’t natively provide and are essential to you, I’d be happy to discuss them further with you (feel free to get in touch via this form).

    Stephen Harris
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