We have found a bug in the plugin and reported it here earlier today.
Since then we decided we need some of the features of the Pro plugin and purchased it. Please let us know if there are more details that you need from us about the particulars of our configuration.
john doyle
Hi John,
There are a couple of reasons why this might not be appearing:
First of all, your theme might not have registered support for thumbnails. If you can see the featured image metabox on the post edit screen, then this is not the case. Otherwise, you may want to try adding
add_theme_support( 'post-thumbnails' );
into your theme’s functions.php
(usually in the after_theme_setup
Secondly, you may need to enable thumbnail support in the plug-in settings (Settings > Event Organiser)
Lastly (and least likely) a plug-in/theme could be (perhaps inadvertently) removing it. It seems unlikely, but when all else fails I’d recommend temporarily disabling all other plug-ins/themes just to rule this one out.
If none of those solve it for you (or it’s indeed a plug-in/theme conflict) I’d be happy to investigate further for you.
Stephen Harris
For the theme we are using Karma 4.0 with a child theme (http://themes.truethemes.net/Karma-4.0/). We only have the Karma and its child theme activated. The child theme didn’t have any add_theme_support calls. The parent theme has the following line which appears to cause the issue.
add_theme_support( 'post-thumbnails' , array( 'post' ));
Adding the following line to the Karma Child theme and logging out and then back in, enabled the Featured Image for events.
add_theme_support( 'post-thumbnails' , array( 'event' ));
john doyle
Great, glad that’s working for you now. Also, removing the second argument will enable thumbnails for all post types.
Stephen Harris