featured event image

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Werner 3 months ago.

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  • #12555 Reply


    in the demo versions, I did not see any featured images for the events on the single events page or the list. I would like to display an image with my events and only saw venue images in demo. Is this feature not available?


    #12566 Reply

    Hi Aiyanna,

    Event thumbnails are supported in the free version – it just so happens the demo doesn’t make use of it. Whether a thumbnail displays on the single event page will depend on your theme and whether it displays thumbnails for ordinary posts, though you can edit the templates to display an event’s image if your theme does not do this natively.

    For the events pages, a thumbnail is displayed. And for event list (widgets/shortcodes) there will be display is specified in the given template or placeholder tags.

    In case you’re not even seeing anywhere to attach an image to an event, keep in mind you’ll need to be using a theme which enables the use of thumbnails. Additionally you may want to check that in Settings > Event Organiser > General you have enabled thumbnails for events. Lastly if the ‘featured image’ metabox doesn’t appear on the event edit page – try checking the screen options in case it’s been hidden.

    Stephen Harris
    #44556 Reply

    I have this problem, there is no image shown at a single event or in the calendar. But images are shown at a single post or as a thumbnail. I tested it with two different themes …

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