Dear Stephen,
What’s is the current situation on events having multiple occurrences on the same day? Now it says “Event not created: There is already an occurrence on this date”.
Niina Pihlava
Hi Niina,
Events can only have one occurrence per day currently. The relevant ticket is here: – unfortunately nothing has changed since my last comment there.
Stephen Harris
That’s unfortunate but no problem.
Hey, Stephen,
That’s unfortunate.
Can you say if this is possible:
PERFORMANCE A (added to main-category)
SUB-PERFORMANCE A (morning times, added to sub-category)
SUB-PERFORMANCE A (evening times, added to sub-category)
In the navigation I’d show the PERFORMANCE A and it’s time cover the whole time the performance is going. Inside this single Performance I’d use the ‘event-category’ => ‘sub-category’ to get the exact times the performance is going.
So my question is: Can I print the booking form in the way like this?
Niina Pihlava
Hi Niina,
Do you mean create a event for each of the occurrences? And then list them under an event representing all performances. If so, that’s possible (you can use the event list shortcode to list events in a given category).
However, that would mean a duplication of events (i.e. Performance A and sub-performance A). On the calendar, you could mitigate that by only showing events in particular categorie(s).
Stephen Harris