Event submission form page broken

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Mika Autio 3 years ago.

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  • #40990


    I have a problem with event submission form page. I can’t drag elements or import or export forms.

    Console gives this error:
    Uncaught TypeError: this.dragDirection is undefined

    WP Core, X Theme and all plugins are updated.

    What could be wrong?

    Mika Autio

    Hi Mika,

    I think this is a conflict with jQuery UI provided in the latest version of WordPress. I’ll release an update shortly.

    Stephen Harris

    Event Organiser FES 1.7.2 should fix this issue.

    Stephen Harris


    It works now. Thank you for fast action!

    Mika Autio
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