event organizer pro features

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 5 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #35065 Reply

    we are a phylantropic assocation and we are looking for a solution for all the events we are organizing.
    People should be able to book for the event or for some part of the event
    for example

    • Breakfast
    • Walking in the forest
    • BBQ
    • Evening concert

    everyone should be able to book all or only Evening Concert or only BBQ or BBQ and Evening concert
    Can your plugins help us ?
    in advance

    Alain Maes
    #35094 Reply

    Hi Alain,

    You could split this up into different ticket “types”. Each ticket has its own capacity/limit (i.e. the total number of those tickets that can be sold). Tickets are also priced individually in case some activities cost more than others.

    By using ticket types, as long as there is availability, you can choose any combination of tickets.

    You can also select multiple quantities of tickets but that can be prevented with a few lines of code.

    Stephen Harris
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