Event Organiser Registrations

This topic contains 7 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Melissa 8 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #23666 Reply

    Hi there,

    My client is using this plugin, with the pro extensions. The license just expired a couple days ago, and I want to ask a questions before we renew the license.

    We noticed that users with the Subscriber role, who have submitted an event, can see the registrations for all events. The client would prefer that an event organiser can only see their own events. They worry about the organisers seeing all registrants contact info.

    Is this possible? Please let me know. We’ll happily renew the license, just need to tell my client the options for this.


    #23672 Reply

    We noticed that users with the Subscriber role, who have submitted an event, can see the registrations for all events

    Just to confirm, is this users who have submitted an event through FES can see the bookings made for all events?

    Only users who can ‘manage bookings’ (see Settings > Event Organiser > Permissions) should be able to view bookings. Subscribers wouldn’t by default have that permission. If they do, then removing that will prevent them from seeing the bookings. (Or is it the case you want them to see bookings, but only for their own events?).

    Stephen Harris
    #23688 Reply

    Hi! Thanks for the quick reply.

    Here’s some more info:
    Yes, users submit events via the FES add-on. Then, in the back-end of the site they can manage registrations for their events. These users have the Subscriber role.

    I used the User Switching plugin to switch to one of these users accounts. When I do that, I can a see all event registrations under the Events > Registration tab. Here I can see all the people’s names, and email addresses. My client is concerned about event organizers knowing personal info about registrants for other events.

    Is this something that can easily be changed?

    Here’s some screenshots of what I’m referring to:
    1 – Using site as a subscriber – can see all event registrations: https://www.dropbox.com/s/sudz5idfbsi3dc2/event-registrations.jpg?dl=0
    2 – Using site as subscriber, can only edit events I submitted: https://www.dropbox.com/s/lheaovgv9km1uqd/events-editable-subscriber.jpg?dl=0

    #23689 Reply

    Sorry, forgot to clarify ….

    Yes, we’d love it if users who can manage bookings can only see their own events. That’s what I’m after here … is that possible?

    #23707 Reply

    Hi Melissa,

    Yes – this is possible, but with plug-in. If you get in touch via this form I can send it to you. You can then test it out to make sure it works for you before you decide whether to repurchase a key.

    Stephen Harris
    #23765 Reply

    Hi Stephen,

    I sent through a note in the contact form on Friday. When should I expect a copy of the plugin?

    Thanks for all your help!

    #23794 Reply

    Hi Melissa,

    Apologies for the delay in getting back to you. I’ve published the plug-in here: https://gist.github.com/stephenharris/f441d7f5fd1fca9d49e4011848edbba5

    Stephen Harris
    #23814 Reply

    Thanks so much Stephen! This works exactly how we wanted. Much appreciated!

    Will install it as soon as my client updates their license. 🙂

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Reply To: Event Organiser Registrations
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