When trying to update the plug in to the new version and get the error message that:
Destination folder already exists.
Plugin install failed.
Its an update so of course the folder already exists, so how to update?
Kim Harding
Hi Kim,
How are you trying to update the plug-in? You can’t upload it in the same way you install it unfortunately. It has to be update through the WordPress admin by clicking ‘update’.
If you’re doing that, and getting the error still then it would look like the www
user (typically) on the server doesn’t have permission to delete the folder.
You can always update by using (S)FTP, simply log-in to here: http://wp-event-organiser.com/my-account and click ‘View Details and Downloads’ at the bottom to view your purchases and download the latest version.
Stephen Harris
I have been trying to update through the WordPress admin by clicking ‘update’ in the pop window. I am starting to think the problem is with my hosting provider, as there have been a couple of strange issues with permissions.
Downloaded the latest version from my-account, and that seems to have done the trick.
Kim Harding