Error Message [Line 62] Duplicate UID….

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums iCal Extension Error Message [Line 62] Duplicate UID….

This topic contains 6 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 10 years, 8 months ago.

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    When I tried to import my ICAL feeds, I had this message:

        [Line 62] Duplicate UID ( found in feed. UIDs must be unique.

    I use differents google agenda and I want import all in my website. I could import 2 of them but the others doesn’t works.
    Could you explain me what that means and how can I have all my calendars working?


    PS: Sorry for my english, but I French and I don’t write very well! 😉

    Eric DEDIEU

    I’m getting a similar message. The feed used to work but now it says:

    [Line 93] Duplicate UID ( found in feed. UIDs must be unique.

    Pamela Browne

    UIDs in feeds must be unique according to the iCal specification. In earlier versions, duplicate events were ignored, which could result in unexpected behaviour. However, an update is due in which duplicate IDs are dealt with according to a ‘revision’ attribute. (From what I’ve seen these duplicate UIDs are in fact revisions of the same event, so it makes sense to choose the last revision).

    In all but exceptional circumstances, the feed will be accepted with and parsed in a logical way, event with duplicate UIDs present.

    Stephen Harris

    Are you saying there will be an update to the extension that will fix the issue? The error has been keeping our feed from being imported.

    Pamela Browne

    Yes, it should do.

    Stephen Harris

    Same problem here:

    Error: [Line 133] Duplicate UID ( found in feed. UIDs must be unique.

    It happens with both iCal feed and manually importing the ics-file.
    Any estimate when the update will be available?
    Or is there anything I can change in the Google calendar to prevent this error?


    Eva Mueller

    An update was released earlier today (Event Organiser 2.8) 🙂

    Stephen Harris
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