Elementor + Booking form issue

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Laurence Manchee 1 year, 3 months ago.

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  • #43310

    Hi stephan,

    I have just had everything changed to Elementor and suddenly realised the bookings are not working. I’ve just updated by organiser pro and elementor in the hope it would fix itself, but no joy.

    1. When someone books, it should go to the payment option; instead, it scrolls to the top of the page so the user does not know to select the payment option and so just tries it again

    2. the other issue is the placement of the booking form. i wish to select where on the page I place the form. i know how to add the form somewhere else on the event page, but is it possible to remove the default form as it then shows two.

    two examples:

    thank you

    Laurence Manchee

    I still can not find the solution to issue #1. However I solved #1

    hope you can help


    Laurence Manchee

    Hi Laurence,

    I can see the issue on your site, and I suspect its to do with the code responsible for scrolling the window to the booking form after they click ‘book’. I can’t replicate this issue, since I think it may relate to the concatenation & minification of javascript files on your website.

    Could you try adding define('SCRIPT_DEBUG', true); to your wp-config.php and I can check again. There maybe a workaround, however I’m largely guessing at the issue and as I’m not able to replicate it, it would be a case of updating in the hope it would resolve your issue.

    Stephen Harris

    I have added define(‘SCRIPT_DEBUG’, true); to my wp-config.php

    thank you

    Laurence Manchee

    I have updated everything, WordPress, event organiser pro and Elementor but still have the same issue


    Laurence Manchee

    Do you think you can help with this?


    Laurence Manchee
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