Download event as meeting (ics) and attendee management question

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums Pre Sales Questions Download event as meeting (ics) and attendee management question

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  René Vlak 6 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #25738 Reply


    just looking into the plugin and have some questions:
    1. Is there the possibility to download a particular event as an appointment (ics extension) ready to be inserted into Outlook?
    2. What are the possibilities to manage existing attendees that have registered to an event? For ex. send email to notify about something, decline a particular attendee, etc?


    Rob B
    #25826 Reply

    Hi Rob,

    My apologies for the delay in you getting a response.

    You can get an iCal feed for an individual event by adding /feed/eo-events to the event URL.

    It’s possible to send bulk emails to attendees or to individual attendees. Admins can also cancel bookings.

    Stephen Harris
    #32143 Reply

    Hi Stephen,

    Good to hear that exporting an individual event to iCal is possible. But would there be a way to include an ‘Add to calendar’ button with an autogenerated link to this individual feed at the bottom of each single event page? (ie. a button that links to “https://[url of the current post]/feed/eo-events”)

    This is an important requirement for the project I am working on. Currently I am using The Events Calendar (which automatically generates such a link / button, see this screenshot:, but I would prefer to switch to Event Organiser (Pro). This is the only feature that is keeping me from making that switch…

    Best regards,


    René Vlak
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Reply To: Download event as meeting (ics) and attendee management question
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