Developer licence

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  boldfish 11 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #5795 Reply

    Why is there a limit on the sites the plugin can be used on?

    Isn’t it GPL’d as it’s a plugin for WordPress?

    If I’m paying for support, that’s fine, but why limit the number of sites? what happens if I want to install it on 11 sites?

    #5796 Reply

    Hi Boldfish,

    The plugin is completely GPL, The limits apply to the license key, support and updates and the validity of a license does not effect its operation.

    While I shall be making additional add-ons free to Developer license holders in the coming months, license restrictions aren’t planned to change yet. That said a couple of people have asked about removing the site restriction on the developer license – and I’ll be reviewing this in the next couple of months (I’d like to see how the demand of support requests pans out first).

    Of course if/when this limit is lifted it will be applied to existing key holders.

    All the best,

    Stephen Harris
    #5799 Reply

    Thanks for the explanation.

    So if I have 15 sites and I want updates for your pro plugin on them all, do I have to buy two developer licences? is that what you’re saying?

    It’s just a bit unusual, that’s all. The other developer licences I’ve got for WP plugins (Gravity Forms; WP Migrate DB Pro; SeedProd) allow for unlimited sites, with updates and support as long as I renew annually , so since there’s just me asking for support for the sites I’ve developed and control that seems to make most sense.

    I can sort of see your thinking and i imagine if I handed over control of a site to a client, then year two they’d need to buy a site licence – I can work with that, it’s just that if I commit to a plugin, then I usually like to use it wherever it’s needed.

    if you’re sticking to the current model, can I ask a different question – if I buy a single site licence, can I then upgrade to the 5 site and then the 10 site by paying the difference when I need to?

    Also if I have a single site licence does it allow for updating the plugin on the production, staging and local development servers (all with different urls of course)


    #5800 Reply

    Hi Boldfish,

    Currently so yes. But equally if you wanted to update only 10 of them then you just need one. I agree that a number of other commercial plug-ins offer an ‘unlimited tier’, but the add-on is still fairly young (1 month old) and I wanted to first see what the support load was before offering support for unlimited number of sites (though I realise its not likely to scale as support requests from a developer will probably apply to all the sites they are working on).

    I’ll definitely be keeping this under review. (Please note that renewals will be offered at 50% of the purchase price, when it is renewed in the last 60 days of the license).

    You can upgrade by paying the difference. Though currently you’ll need to contact me via this form. Similarly with migrating a license to another site, or between a staging site to a live site on developer/business sites. Within reason I’m cool with this.

    All the best,

    Stephen Harris
    #5801 Reply

    All that sounds pretty positive then.

    I’ve currently got 50+ WordPress sites of varying levels of sophistication and all the other event plugins aren’t as nice as yours, so I’ll probably start with a business licence and see where we go from there.

    I like to upsell features to existing clients, so step one is to find a plugin that I trust, then step two is to pitch the extra functionality to the client. Currently I have only one/maybe two clients that need the pro features, but I hope to persuade a few more.

    Thanks for answering so promptly – bodes well for tech support if/when I need it, and sorry to be a PITA.


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