day courses

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 10 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #13299 Reply

    We run day courses for about 30 people in hotels.
    I am looking for a plug in that will do following:
    1) hold details of list of venues and maps
    2) list details of courses listed by a category or date
    3) applicants book on the course by providing details in a form including email and actual address. and another email contact to invoice.
    4) confirm the attendee booking by email.
    5) invoice the other contact by email attaching proper invoice (pdf?) which includes details of attendee event etc.
    also can address fill in automatically when postcode is entered
    6) send a reminder email to attendee near the event.
    7) send a reminder email to other contact to pay the invoice.
    8) only show events that are in the future not in the past.
    can the plug in do this stuff

    #13305 Reply

    Hi Kevin,

    1) hold details of list of venues and maps
    Event Organiser allows you to create venues (with maps, address, and optionally a description). Pro also brings custom fields to venues, which you can use for other data. These custom fields (generally) won’t appear on the front-end unless you use the functions for doing so.

    2) list details of courses listed by a category or date
    The event event list shortcode is probably the easiest way of doing this. It allows you to list events in particular categories and/or date range (including ‘relative’ date ranges, e.g. “events on this week”)

    3) applicants book on the course by providing details in a form including email and actual address. and another email contact to invoice.
    The bookee’s e-mail address is one of the required fields when placing bookings. The booking form customiser allows you to add additional fields, like for example an address field and e-mail field. This data is available to you (and displayed in the booking’s admin page) but is not actually used by the plug-in as such unless you’re using e-mail placeholders to include this information in booking conformation emails. There is an API available for using the stored data, and in deed this tutorial contains a relevant example for your use case. (The tutorial is actually on using the form API to add a field rather than using the form customiser, but the latter part will probably be of interest to you).

    4) confirm the attendee booking by email.
    A confirmation e-mail is sent once payment has been confirmed. With payment gateways this is usually instantaneous, with “offline” payments, this is whenever the payment is confirmed by an administrator. There a plans to support sending an e-mail immediately after an offline booking is made, in the mean time there is this tutorial.

    5) invoice the other contact by email attaching proper invoice (pdf?) which includes details of attendee event etc.
    also can address fill in automatically when postcode is entered

    This isn’t a feature provided for, but it is certainly possible to do. There are ‘hooks’ available for when a booking is made, which would allow you to send an additional e-mail (e.g. to the ‘invoice’ e-mail you obtained on the booking form).

    6) send a reminder email to attendee near the event.
    This isn’t provided for, but is possible. I’ve worked with previous clients who wanted SMS reminders. Another customer also implemented e-mail reminders. There is also this tutorial on using Cron jobs.

    7) send a reminder email to other contact to pay the invoice.
    Same as 6.

    8) only show events that are in the future not in the past.
    Yes, there is an option to exclude past events (see Settings > Event Organiser > General). Shortcodes and widgets will have their own settings too.

    Stephen Harris
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