Day archive not showing events spanning several days

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums Report A Bug Day archive not showing events spanning several days

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 12 years ago.

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    If an event spans over several days, regardless of if it’s an all day event or not, it disappears from the ‘archive/on/{year}/{month}/{day}’ list after the date which it starts on occurs.

    For example:
    event starts 9. feb 2013, 9:00pm
    event ends 10. feb 2013, 3:00am
    right now it’s 9. feb 2013 1:30pm
    — and the event is not showing even though it’s still in the future. In fact it will never show up in the day archive again even with past events set to show and regadless of whether occuring event’s are past or not.

    Everything works as expected if event starts and ends within the same day or is all day event for one day. Month and year archives seem to work with longer events.


    Hi ahto

    Thanks for reporting this. This is actually intended behaviour. The day archive is for events starting on that day. But I’m open to discussion on whether this should be the case or not.

    My original reasoning is that the day archives I linked to by the widget calendar – so if clicking on one day shows events that started on another, this can be a bit confusing.

    (The same is true for months and years, if an event crosses a month/year boundary – i.e. starts in one, ends in the next it will only appear for the month/year in which it starts).

    As I say, I’m open to persuasion on this since I simply guessed what might be most useful to those using this plug-in. (On a side note, whatever the decision – it is changeable with a bit of custom code).

    Stephen Harris

    The day archive is for events starting on that day.

    That makes sense. But if you consider my example one more time, that is not how it actually works at the moment.
    1. The event is scheduled to occur later today.
    2. It highlights todays date in the calendar widget.
    3. I click on that date — the date that event starts on — and the list is empty.

    It does not show an event starting on that day if the event crosses over to the days after. It only shows the event if it also ends on the same day.

    So if clicking on one day shows events that started on another, this
    can be a bit confusing.

    The way I reason it is that it does not matter when the event started, I want to see what’s on on any given day. But either way the problem pointed out in the first place holds true.


    Ah, you are right, ( this line ) should be

       $query->set('event_end_before', $ondate_end);

    Or to get all ‘running events’:

        $query->set('event_start_before', $ondate_end );
        $query->set('event_end_after', $ondate_start );

    I shall fix this (- and thinking about it, I agree the latter implementation makes more sense) in 1.7.1.

    Stephen Harris
    Stephen Harris
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