Customization / Display Options

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 7 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #29271 Reply

    I am trying to do a few different things with a calendar to replicate an old one we have.

    The primary things I am need to do is:
    – Allow the items to be sorted by a category or priority. (All events are all day events)
    – Need to be able to have some items in a custom color
    – Need to have multi day events show at the bottom of the day/days and have them tied together visually.

    Is this possible?

    #29288 Reply

    Hi Casy,

    1) There’s no built-in way to sort events by category, though there are filters for the data that is sent to the calendar, so you could re-order events using that.

    2) This is easily done. You can assign colours to event categories, and then the event appears in the calendar in that colour. However, should you wish to change that colour, there is a filter for doing that:

    3) Unfortunately, there isn’t a way of changing the default behaviour of the calendar

    Stephen Harris
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