I would like to try and use this to track volunteer opportunities for a youth hockey club.
I can create the volunteer events and set up hoe many people are able to sign up correct?
Then assuming people sign up and attend the events a manager can confirm the person attended right?
Last thing. I want it to use the info from the logged in wordpress user and I would like to be able to use a shortcode or something to display a list of events they attended in their profile.
Is what I need to do possible?
Ted Lemmy
Hi Ted,
You can create an event and ticket(s) for it (with a maximum capacity), and sell those tickets. You can also require that users be logged-in when making a booking – in which case their name and e-mail is taken from their profile and the booking is linked to the user account.
There is also a shortcode for displaying the events the user has bookings for: http://docs.wp-event-organiser.com/shortcodes/events-user-is-attending/ – there’s a couple of shortcodes you can use, but one only shows future events (however, it is reasonably straightforward to create a similar shortcode for all events).
However, the plug-in does not provide a means of storing whether or not a user actually attended. This would have to be developed on top of the plug-in.
Stephen Harris