CSV import: no preview and error in importing

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums Report A Bug CSV import: no preview and error in importing

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 9 years, 10 months ago.

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    I’m trying to sort out the csv import extension. But i’m not sure if i’m messing up the formats or misreading the documentation.

    When trying to import events in csv-format i get no preview. The error after pressing upload say: “missing start date” on all lines.

    Tried many formats but theese are the latest:

    Karidalen rittet;2014-05-10;Landevei;NCF Ranking;;Feiring IL

    "Karidalen rittet";"10.05.2014 08:00";"10.05.2014 18:00";"Landevei";"NCF Ranking";"";"Feiring IL"

    Could you provide me with a correct line?
    General question: are quotation marks necessary?

    Lars Vemund Solerød

    Hi Lars,

    Without a preview you won’t be able to import the file. Some users have reported problems with importing files created by Excel and the plugin not being able to open the file. I’d recommended opening the file in a text editor and resaving it (making sure its a .csv extension).

    Lastly please note the readme.text on the format of dates (though this is unrelated to your current issue)

    With or without quotes is fine (so long as the cell data’s doesn’t contain the delimeter). An example CSV file is given in the plugin.

    Stephen Harris

    I found the error and it was due to the file containing Norwegian letters ÆØÅ.

    Replaced them and preview came up.

    Altought this makes the plugin not as good as i hoped for.

    Would you consider adding support for more characthers? UTF8?

    Lars Vemund Solerød

    HI Lars,

    Absolutely, I’ll be in touch so I can get an example file off you to test against.

    Stephen Harris
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