Hi Stephen,
Hope your having a great day.
I am using your plugin on my site and really like it.
I am thinking about buying the pro version, I don’t need any of the features, simply to support your effort.
What I would like to know is,
1- When do you think the CSV import export will be updated ?
2- Can I keep a master CSV file and update it and add to it, and never really need to edit a calendar entry via the backend single event page ?
Thanks very much for you time, Aaron
Aaron Becker
Hi Aaron,
Regarding (2), the CSV importer is for one-off imports. If you import the same CSV file multiple times, then you’ll have multiple events created, so it’s not really intended for as a solution for storing/editing events, more of a means of moving events from one system to another.
Regarding (1) – what features are you looking for in the CSV import/export?
Stephen Harris