Course booking in event organizer?

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Jakov 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #6701 Reply


    Thank you for a great looking plug-in. I want to use your Event Organizer for course bookings. I only have one course every few months, so I don’t have as many events as I think many of your other users have. Do you still think that the Event Organizer is a good option for me and my business?

    I also have a few more specific questions. I want to achieve the following in an event management/course booking plugin. Can I achieve this with the purhase version of your plug-in?
    – Let visitors book course events from the events\event page
    – Let visitors choose which version what food option they want to have at the event (i.e. choose a value from a custom drop-down that I define in the plugin)
    – Translate all labels such as “Event Details” to Swedish

    Thank you for taking your time to answer.

    #6702 Reply

    Hi Jakov,

    Absolutely! – Event Organiser is good at handling frequent or infrequent and regular or irregular events. If your course run over several dates then you’ll want to ‘book by series’ in the booking options, rather than ‘book by date’. (See this page for more details).

    In short the answer to all three questions is yes. The plug-in allows you to create your own booking form – e.g. create a drop-down which requires the user to select a choice. So you could have a field related to meal choice. This data can be exported in CSV along with the bookings if required.

    The plug-in is fully translatable (If I’ve missed some text, then that will be fixed in a bug-fix release).

    Hope that helps! If you have any more questions, just ask!


    Stephen Harris
    #6703 Reply

    Thank you Stephen. I’ll purchase the plugin tomorrow and then try to learn how to use it in detail over the weekend.

    Best Regards,

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