Couple of questions

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #8178 Reply

    Hi, I have a customer who really hates PayPal and wants to use something else. How stable is your Stripe support?
    His site will be quite low volume. Of course he needs this yesterday 🙂

    My second question is how difficult is it to add an attachment to the ticket email message that’s sent to the end customer? This system would be for class reservations and we’d need to send some PDFs to the customer after they registered for the class.


    #8183 Reply

    Hi Jamii,

    Stripe is still under beta-testing, but currently no issues have been raised. It was also tested ‘in house’ prior to release as beta. It’ll be included free with the developer license (existing developer license holders can also get a free copy).

    Currently the extension is earmarked for release early next week, but I’m still accepting beta-testers, so if you purchase Pro, feel free to sign up here, and you’ll be issued with the latest beta and a license key.

    My second question is how difficult is it to add an attachment to the ticket email message that’s sent to the end customer?

    Not difficult at all, but it does require some custom code (I shall publish this later as a tutorial). The PDF ticket extension (currently in development in tandom with the a ticket scanner app), uses this to attach a file to the confirmation email.

    Stephen Harris
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