Consider this situation

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 11 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #6943 Reply

    Hello there,

    I’m currently ongoing to make a booth selling website that can display list of events and selling booth related to that event. My current method is combining event organiser (free )with wp e-commerce. The product will behave as booth in this case. So this is the flow:
    – I create event with event organiser
    – I create same product category name in wp e-commerce (behave as event title) then create products according to how many booth available to that event. The products (in this case, booth) should be divided to three size categories (large,medium,small)
    – I placed link to the product category page in event detail page (according to same event name).
    – The payment method used is offline (manual transfer confirmation)

    I’m considering to add search filter system from your pro features then I realized in pro features there are booking system integrated as well. My question is:
    – Considering the flow above, is it can be achieved just using booking system from event organiser pro?

    Thank you.

    #6944 Reply

    Forgot 1 thing.

    If I use previous method (event organiser free+wp e-commerce), registered user who have bought booth will be able to view purchase history from front-end. Is event organiser pro can do that?

    #6949 Reply

    Hi Alf,

    Pro does indeed allow you to create a page with a user’s “booking history”, via the booking history shortcode:

    I would say yes, what you describe can be achieved using Pro. There would be some differences – most notably the fact that there would no longer be a ‘product’ page – and the associated booth could instead be displayed/advertised on the event page itself (perhaps that’s the intention).

    Event Organsier Pro does allow you to add custom fields to the booking form – for example, a drop-down selection for size. However, if you need to limit the number of bookings made with any particular size (i.e. you have 15 booths: 5 of each size), then the custom field does not allow you to limit how many times a particular option is chosen. (E.g. with 15 bookings, all users could select the ‘small’ option).

    If you need to do that then I’d recommend creating a seperate ticket for each size, which would allow you to limit the number of times a small booth (for example) is selected when booking.

    Event Organiser Pro also supports offline booking payment, so there is no problem there.

    Stephen Harris
    #6950 Reply

    Thank you very much for the brief explanation. I’ll take this into consideration

    #6951 Reply

    Sorry one more question

    I’ve seen the shortcode found here . Is the dropdown get values from created event? example if I have created event with city “London”, does that London appear in city dropdown?

    What is relation between all filter dropdown?

    #6952 Reply

    Hi Alf,

    Yes – though its actually taken from the venues. So if you created a venue with city “London”, then that will appear in the city dropdown.

    The relation between the filters is “and” – though each filter is optional (i.e. if the user does not select a value, that filter is ignored).

    Stephen Harris
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