Conditionnal field in booking form

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 10 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #10545 Reply


    in the land of wordpress event plugin there is no absolut solution ! All your competitor are missing important “details” like these ones:

    the 3 most important thing missing almost evrywehere are :

    1) is it possible to have conditionnal field in the booking form (like with gravity form) ?
    2) is it possible for a buyer to buy a ticket as a gift for someone else ?
    3) is it possible to connect to woocommerce ?

    My actual website is doing this (exept woocommerce) but I would like to do it with wordpress because I can use a lot of other feature I don’t have with that old site.

    Let me know and thanks for your answer.

    Thanks for your answers

    #10546 Reply

    Hi oniregoc,

    1.Unfortunately there isn’t yet conditional fields. However, this is being worked on at the moment, and the next few updates are, in part, paving the way for making that possible. Current ETA for this feature is June/July. (However, in case it is relevant, in 1.7 (due in early May) you can programaticaly hide (or pre-populate) fields if the user is logged-out/in – but there’s no UI interface for this. Doing this is quite simple, and there’ll be post about it when 1.7-beta is realised this weekend).

    2.This is difficult to answer, because I’m not sure exactly how you’d you expect bookings to be handled when they are gifts. If the user is logged out they are required to provide a name and e-mail address for the booking (you can optionally require them to create an account too). There is no reason why you cannot allow the user to provide someone else’s e-mail address when they purchase a ticket(s). In that sense yes. The provided bookee e-mail would be used as the e-mail address for any booking related correspondence you have, and it wouldn’t be given any ‘special treatment’ (e.g. they wouldn’t receive “X has bought you a ticket…”. That’s not to say it isn’t possible, it’s just not a feature that is provided for out of the box.

    3.The plug-in does not require WooCommerce, but it can function (independently) alongside it.

    in the land of wordpress event plugin there is no absolut solution

    I would absolutely agree with you there, but I would add there is no absolute problem either. Everyone requirements are different, but it’s intended (and I hope you find this to be the case) that Event Organiser is flexible enough to meet the majority of people’s needs, and easily extended to fill any of the gaps.

    Stephen Harris
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