
This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 10 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #12713 Reply

    does it support wordpress 4.0? Also, doe it comes with its own theme or I have to install it seperatly? are there any recommended themes for EOPro? Do you have trail version which I can install on my local machin and see the features my own?


    Neeraj Malve
    #12715 Reply

    Hi Neeraj,

    Yes Event Organiser (& Pro) is compatible with WordPress 3.3 through to 4.0. Updates are released to ensure compatibility with new versions of WordPress as they are released.

    It doesn’t come with a theme, however it is designed to be “theme agnostic”. Where there are compatibility issues with themes, the default templates are easily edited to rectify these issues. In terms of plug-ins designed for the theme there is Clinto, and the (‘no frills’ & free) theme Sigma. Additionally WordPress themes TwentyEleven, TwentyTwelve & TwentyThirteen (and so by extension, almost all child themes thereof) are compatible.

    Regarding testing the plug-in, you can use this website which creates a site for you with Event Organiser & Pro isntalled (lasts for 1 hour).

    Stephen Harris
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