Can you please list the capabilities/features this plugin “cannot do” that EventBrite can (specifically regarding Booking Form design & management)
We are not interested in the payments aspect specifically, just the Booking Form comparison.
I think I have spotted one thing straight-away by using your demo site
Events Organiser cannot do ‘conditional fields’ depending on ticket type, e.g different questions for different ticket type. True/False ?
Is there anything else? Can you confirm what features are under development
Robin Cotgrove
Hi Robin,
I’m afraid I’m not familiar another with EventBrite to offer a meaningful comparison. But you are right in that Event Organiser does not currently offer “conditional logic”. This is currently being beta-tested and will be included in the major release after next (1.9, 1.8 is in beta and to be rolled out in the coming weeks).
However, since bookings forms can be re-used across different events, at first at least, the conditional logic won’t be available with respect to ticket selection.
If you have any questions about what Event Organiser can do, or whether it will your needs I’d be happy to do so.
Stephen Harris