Change the default end year when no recurring end date set

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums iCal Extension Change the default end year when no recurring end date set

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 9 years ago.

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    It looks like the iCal plugin uses the year 2038 if a recurring google event has no end date set.

    This choice of default year is a problem for us since we import about 60-80 weekly-recurring events (it’s a radio station site), and there is a pretty substantial performance hit on the site now.

    Is there a way to customize this default year to be something earlier like 2018? Perhaps by hooking an iCal-related eo filter?

    bobby ciraldo

    Hi Bobby,

    The default end date is rather arbitrary (except that it has ‘cultural’ relevance So I’m happy to add a hook there (this would be in Event Organiser 3.1.0).

    I do wonder if both the date and number of occurrences should be limited.

    In any case, here’s the ticket:

    Do you mind me asking if there are any particular page(s) where you see the most significant impact? (The single event page – for those events – I suspect is one, and its on the roadmap to address that).

    Stephen Harris
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