Is it possible to cap the number of bookings available to a single event with ‘Event Organiser Pro’
Eg. Course X has 10 places available, once 10 bookings have been placed it displays a message “Sorry this event is full” or simply disables the booking button.
I beg your pardon, I should’ve read the documentation more carefully.
“This allows you to quickly view your event’s tickets, their price, the quantity available and when they the tickets are on sale. (See below).
You can also set a cap on the total number of tickets that can be sold for this event.”
Thanks anyway.
No worries 🙂
But yes, each ticket can be allocated a quantity. Once the ticket is sold out it is taken down – and once all tickets are sold, a ‘sold out’ message appears.
You can also cap bookings as you mention above. This is only useful if you have several ticket types. For example, you may have Concession, Child & Adult ticket types, and you might have space for 100 people. If you don’t care what proportion of those 100 spaces should be allocated to concession / child / adult ticket types you set teh quantity to 100 for each, and then cap the booking at 100.
Stephen Harris