Business/Developer pass renewal onto client?

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums Pre Sales Questions Business/Developer pass renewal onto client?

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 10 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #10311 Reply

    If I purchase a business or developers license is it possible to pass the cost of renewing the license for a site onto the client. If a client moves on I would prefer not to be paying for the support on the license for their site.

    Many Thanks!

    Darren Burns
    #10314 Reply

    Hi Darren,

    Renewals are not automatic (nor required), but when a license key is renewed, it’s renewed “in whole” (i.e. all extensions associated with it, and for all sites). How the costs are recouped by you from your clients, is up to you. Some developers will be “manage” their clients, and bill them for recurring costs (hosting, license keys, cost for time updating WordPress, plug-ins and themes etc). Whereas others might set them up, but leave them to manage their license keys themselves, by effectively transferring the license key (or by using their e-mail address when purchasing the product). You could allow the license key to expire, and then leave the client to purchase a new license if they so desire (but this would no longer qualify for a renewal discount).

    Note, that it can arranged for the license key to be transferred to the client, but the whole license is transferred. So for example, if you had the business license which you were using with 5 different clients you wouldn’t be able to transfer control of the license key to each of those 5 clients.

    (I’ll add that failing to renew will not cripple the plug-in, it’ll continue to function as before, though you will not be able to update the plug-in or access support.).

    Stephen Harris
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