In file event-organiser-fes/includes/actions.php, for the function function _eo_es_process_event_submission( $form ), for the case default (custom taxonomy)
Line 296 is $terms = array_map( ‘intval’, $element->get_value() );
It needs to be $terms = array_map( ‘intval’, $element->get_value(‘terms’) );
for the custom taxonomy to be saved after creating it as in the last post of this thread, else the custom taxonomy won’t save.
Sadik Bhimani
Hi Sadik,
The custom taxonomy template doesn’t support creating new terms. Unless you’ve edited the template to support this, $element->get_value()
(for the custom taxonomy field) will return an array of IDs which need to be cast to integers.
Stephen Harris
Hi Stephen
Apologies I did not perhaps fully explain. I am not trying to save new taxonomy terms. I have associated a new taxonomy with the event custom post type and added the taxonomy as a drop down with wp_dropdown_categories in the template eo-event-form-custom-taxonomy.php in my child theme.
Now when I am submitting the form having selected a taxonomy from the drop down, the taxonomy actually does not get associated with the event. This is due to the missing ‘terms’ call in the code.
If I change
array_map( ‘intval’, $element->get_value() );
array_map( ‘intval’, $element->get_value(‘terms’) );
The taxonomy gets associated with the event. Hence I submitted this bug report.
Sadik Bhimani
I think I understand you now. wp_dropdown_categories()
, by default, will generate a different mark-up to the checklist that the template generates. In particular, the location of the selected ID(s) in the $_POST
array will be different. This isn’t a bug, with FES, you just need to ensure any changes to the template do not cause any changes to the $_POST
FES expects the the IDs of the selected terms to be array stored at:
$_POST['eventorganiser']['event_form'][<field id>]
If using wp_dropdown_categories()
to replace the default eo_fes_terms_checklist()
, the following should achieve that:
wp_dropdown_categories( array(
'taxonomy' => $this->element->get_taxonomy() . '[]',
'name' => $this->element->get_field_name(),
'hide_empty' => false,
) );
Stephen Harris