Bookings Appear Closed When They're Not

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums Report A Bug Bookings Appear Closed When They're Not

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 8 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #24699

    Hi there,

    We’re experiencing a bug on our website. At least 10 times this week, we’ve had reports that users get a message saying the event is closed, but the events are not closed.

    This is time sensitive – we have a lot of events this week and we need people to be able to register. I’ve tried registering for the events, and it always works for me.

    Please help – what could be causing this? See attached image of the error message.

    error message



    The plug-in doesn’t produce the message ‘Bookings is closed for this event’, however similar such messages can be changed – so it maybe that you’ve changed the original text.

    Anyway, I suspect that message refers to one of two messages that might appear in place of the booking form:

    Firstly, Bookings are no longer available for this event, this appears after the last occurrence of an event has started. You would not expect this message to appear intermittently, unless you are editing the events and extending its dates.

    Or This event has sold out – this appears if there are not tickets currently available (i.e they have sold out or are not yet on sale). If you have tickets coming on sale at various times it’s possible that this message displays intermittently.

    Stephen Harris

    Hi! Thanks so much for your reply.

    We figured out the issue – people were finding events from last year. Took them down, issue solved.


    Glad you’ve got the bottom of that!

    Stephen Harris
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