Booking form settings not saved

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 9 years, 3 months ago.

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    For some reason, the settings for a booking form are not saved. When I change the title, button text or button classes and save the changes, it seems that everything is saved, but the changes are not reflected on the site. When I refresh the settings page in wp-admin, the title and button text are shown with default values again, not with the ones I entered. I can change the name of the form and it is saved properly.

    I got the problem solved by using filters eventorganiser_booking_title and eventorganiser_booking_button_text and editing the button classes by editing the booking form template, but it would be way handier to edit them via wp-admin.

    Any ideas?

    Mikko Siikaniemi

    Hi Mikko,

    Thanks for reporting this. It’s a known bug,and will be fixed in the 1.7.1 update due tomorrow.

    Stephen Harris

    Hi Stephen,
    Thanks for this very good plugin !
    I’m in EO V2.13.6 And EO-pro V1.11.0 and I already the bug with non saved booking form title.

    Pendding, as Mikko, I use eventorganiser_booking_title filter to change it.
    Just another info : the doc ( doesn’t show the eventorganiser_booking_title filter hook.

    The search engine in the same page don’t work for me (with Firefox 41.0.2 for ubuntu).
    Best regards,


    Thanks Marc,

    Seems this is a different bug that was introduced in v1.11.0. This shall be fixed in the forthcoming update. Thanks for reporting it.

    Stephen Harris
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