Booking form now showing anymore

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums Report A Bug Booking form now showing anymore

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Marco Abis 9 years, 10 months ago.

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    I searched the foru for similar issues but all I found don’t apply to me.

    Didn’t have any issue with the booking form on previous events, it all worked but now I’ve create a new event (cloning a previous one if that’s important), did my changes but the booking form doesn’t show anymore.

    Here is the live page:

    Let me know, thanks

    Marco Abis

    Hi Marco,

    Can you double check that when editing the event’s tickets that the events dates have been selected. You can toggle whether tickets are available for specific dates, however, if you update an event you will need to update it’s tickets also.

    Otherwise the tickets are potentially linked to occurrences that no longer exist, and so will not display. If none of the tickets are displayed then the booking form itself will not display.

    Stephen Harris

    although I did change all the dates (ticket’s included) you might be onto something because if I create a new even from scratch there is no issue.

    I’ll create a new one and copy the content of the old one. If you don’t hear from me it means it worked 🙂

    Marco Abis
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