Booking Admin Questions

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 4 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #39010 Reply

    Hello, we have taken a look at the EO pro admin front-end on your test site, and have a couple of questions prior to purchasing a license:

    1. Can booking fields be changed after a booking has been submitted?
      Sometimes we need to alter some registration info on request (ticket
      type booked, name of second person registered for event). We solely
      use offline payment.
    2. Is it possible to add editable custom fields to
      bookings that are not included with the booking form?
      Specifically, we have several account and need to add which account
      payment was made to offline to each booking. We would strongly
      prefer using ACF for this, as ACF allows us to set a rule to only
      show the field once a booking has been set to “paid”.
    3. The docs show how we can add more booking stati (paid, waiting list) but is it also
      possible to add these to bulk actions on the booking page? These new stati would also be set up to send automatic emails.
    4. Is it possible to output some info on top of the booking page, like e.g. total number of tickets sold and total amount paid towards an event?

    Thanks a lot for taking the time to help us out here in advance 🙂

    #39023 Reply

    1) Unfortunately custom booking fields cannot be changed after a booking is made. Bookee details (e.g. email) can, and tickets can be removed but not custom fields.

    2) There’s a generic ‘notes’ field, but no admin-only custom fields for bookings

    3) It’s possible, but with code written to implement it. I assume you mean buik changing status?

    4) The bookings admin page? Or the event page? The bookings page currently lists total number of bookings and attendees. The event page could be updated to display that data too. Total towards an event is not calculated anywhere by the plug-in, but could be done by iterating over bookings.

    Stephen Harris
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