Bookee Name Displayed as Surname Twice

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums Report A Bug Bookee Name Displayed as Surname Twice

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Chris Dunst 7 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #26754

    Hi Stephen,

    I think I’ve found a bug. We have your pro plugin set up on a site – latest version, latest version of the core WPEO plugin, latest WordPress.

    When someone makes a booking on this site, their first name and surname are being saved as they display correctly on the bookings screen in the dashboard. However, when clicking through to the booking itself, the name is displayed in the ‘Booking Meta’ section as the surname twice. The booking confirmation email to the site admin also displays the surname twice instead of showing the firstname. The booking form is using the in-built name element.

    I’ve tested this myself and can confirm this is the case. It’s an inconvenience for our client as they’re using the emails for their own records rather than logging in and exporting attendees all the time.

    Happy to provide admin login details if you’re not able to recreate the issue on your install…


    Chris Dunst

    Hi Chris,

    Apologies for the delay in getting back to you. I unfortunately can’t replicate this bug. Can you get in touch via this form or e-mail with admin account access – I would probably need FTP access to investigate this any further too. It might be worth if you can check the database (or provide access for myself). In particular, in the post meta values (for the booking ID): _eo_booking_anon_display_name, _eo_booking_anon_first_name and _eo_booking_anon_last_name.

    The function that displays the name of the bookee on the bookings admin page is the same that displays it on an individual booking’s page (in the bookee metabox) – so I don’t see how they can be displaying different things. Do you have any custom code relating to the plug-in running on the site?

    Stephen Harris

    Thanks Stephen,

    No we have no custom amendments to the plugin – a couple of snippets to add a column to the admin bookings screen, and to add the category to the full calendar tooltip. Nothing that should affect the meta data.

    I’ll drop you a line with all credentials, thanks for taking a look….

    Chris Dunst

    Just for clarity in case anyone else finds this thread – Stephen took a look and (unsurprisingly) it wasn’t an issue in the WPEO plugin. It looks to be a conflict with the theme or other plugins changing the functionality of saving meta data.

    Chris Dunst
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