Book multiple events (tickets) at once for recurring events

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums Pre Sales Questions Book multiple events (tickets) at once for recurring events

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 11 years, 5 months ago.

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    I have requested the 1 hour Demo site and I see that the plugin doesn’t have the option of booking recurring events at once.

    I will need to confirm if the plugin has this features before buying a license:

    • I need to book recurring events at once from the administratos on behalf an user (or switching the user).
      • I need that the user can cancel a booking from the “Site” without accesing to the dashboard.

    My functionality would be like this:
    I will have my user Database, with the user info. I will have the wordpress login integrated with this database.
    I will register a new user in my external Database and then I would like to access my wordpress to assign this user the recurring events he has contracted (for example, the thursday at 18:30 session), so I want to be able to book all the thursday 18:30 event for this new user.
    Then I only want taht the user could cancel this booking or request anoter booking for another session (recurring or simple one).

    Would this plugin offer all of some of this features?

    Thanks a lot!

    #7447 Reply

    Hi Asier

    Not sure what you mean by “option of booking recurring events at once”, but Event Organiser offers two booking ‘modes’:

    • Book by date (user books a place for a specific date of an event, e.g. as in Gigs, theatres, etc )
    • Book by series (user books all dates e.g. as in booking a place on a course, or season ticket)

    These two options only really make a difference when booking a recurring event. In the first option, the user must all select the specific date they are booking for/attending. In the second, their booking is not tied to any particular date: they’re attending all dates. (See

    Only admins can cancel bookings currently, and there are no plans to add this feature just yet as there are already a queue of features waiting to be added. (There is also the matter that how cancellations should work, will vary from use-case to use-case, so because it can be so nuanced it may be best that it’s implemented on an individual basis).

    That said, for your needs, I should imagine it wouldn’t be too difficult for a developer to implement. There is already a shortcode to list a user’s previous bookings, and that can be adapted to allow the user to cancel the booking. The caveat here is that the user must have been logged-in as a WordPress user when making the booking.

    Regarding external databases and log-in integration – that’s all out of scope for plug-in, but depending on how you’re implementing that, it should work fine with the plug-in. However, Event Organiser’s integration with external databases would be out of scope of support simply because such issues would relate to the external database handling and not the plug-in.

    Stephen Harris
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Reply To: Book multiple events (tickets) at once for recurring events
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