Hi When I´m logged in and submit a form I´m redirected to this page: http://svenskamorenoinstitutet.se/events/event/introduktion-till-psykodrama/?booking-confirmation=offline#eo-bookings and this works fine.
When I´m not logged in and submit a form I´m redirected to this page:http://svenskamorenoinstitutet.se/events/event/introduktion-till-psykodrama/#eo-bookings.
And this just turn up blank. And there is no verification email sent to my address either.
This is a new problem for me. Is it because or 3.0?
/Urban Norlander
Urban Norlander
Hi Urban,
Do your error logs give any indication as to the problem? A white screen usually means an error on the server side..
Stephen Harris
Sometimes i get an error message that says that there is an error on the server.
When I look at the bookings I can see the new booking.
Urban Norlander
What is the actual error message in the logs? As an educated guess, do you have a caching plugin enabled? If so, does the probablem persist after deactivating it?
Stephen Harris
You are quite right I had “W3 Total Cache” installed and the problem disappeared when I deactivated it!
But How come I have never had this problem before?
Urban Norlander
Hi Urban,
This is a preexisting issue, so I’m suprised you haven’t had this issue before. The current workaround is to ensure caching is disables on booking pages.
Stephen Harris