Automatically pubblish events on Facebook

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums Pre Sales Questions Automatically pubblish events on Facebook

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 6 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #31888 Reply

    Hi Support!
    I would like to know if on PRO version is it possible or exist an extension that permit the auto Facebook event pubblication.

    Many thanks!


    #31916 Reply

    Hi Davide,

    While Event Organiser provides the API and hooks that would allow you to do this, there’s no feature in Pro that provides this functionality.

    Stephen Harris
    #31924 Reply

    Ahi ahi ahi!
    This could be a killer application! I know many assiciations that would like to leave Facebook (and Google, and here you are fine with openstreetmap), and move all events on own site, and a similar plugin/feature could be very interesting for a soft user migration!

    Have you plan to add or not this functionality?

    Thanks again!


    #31962 Reply

    Hi Davide,

    I’m afraid there’s no plans for such an extension at the moment.

    Stephen Harris
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Reply To: Automatically pubblish events on Facebook
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