automatic emailing

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 11 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #6135 Reply

    I would like to know if it’s possible to automatically email guestlist to specific email at specified time.

    Example If I’m working with several venues and promoters. I would like to have a the system send an email to the venue or promoters selected email at specifc time. Lets say at 9p.

    #6136 Reply

    Hi Michael,

    This isn’t a feature in the plug-in, but its possible to add with some custom code…

    WordPress implements its own version of Cron. Cron is a time-based job scheduler that executes commands at specific times, but not all hosts provide it.

    WP-Cron is ‘pseudo-Cron’ – the major difference is that WordPress – on every page load – will check to see if there are any jobs it needs to run. So if you’ve scheduled a job for 9pm, and the first visit (bot or human) after then is 9.10pm – the email will only be sent at 9.10pm.

    So WP-Cron is not exact in its handling of jobs, and how inaccurate depends on the frequency of page hits your site gets. (See codex / WP-Tuts article).

    To answer your question, you could implement a WP-Cron job to be fired at a specific time, which retrieves all bookings for an event ( see documentation), and gets the bookee’s name from the booking ID (see documentation) and email those names.

    Note, the plug-in doesn’t provide for ‘venue organisers’ or ‘promoters’ – but it does support custom fields for venues, which would allow you to store a contact email address. (See venue custom fields)

    I hope that helps!

    A related topic

    Stephen Harris
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