Assign a "book" URL field to each event

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums Pre Sales Questions Assign a "book" URL field to each event

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 8 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #23601 Reply


    I am trying to build an event list by customizing the template which should look like the table on

    I think I have identified all required fields using and

    Question: can I add the URL for the “book” button somewhere? Or will I need the pro version to create a custom field?

    The URL links to an external ticket-booking platform for the artist.


    Frank Welsch-Lehmann
    #23613 Reply

    Hi Frank,

    Since you are using an external booking platform, you do not need Pro. You will simply need to add a the appropriate link for the event (and/or occurrence). It maybe that you can programatically determine the url given the event and occurrence ID – though more likely you’ll have to store the URL as an event custom field.

    Please note that though that custom fields are for the event not individual dates. If you have multiple dates of the same event and need a different URL for each date you can either create each date as a separate event or use your own data store for the URLs, mapping it to each it date.

    Stephen Harris
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