Are these booking scenarios possible?

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums Pre Sales Questions Are these booking scenarios possible?

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 8 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #25492 Reply


    I was wondering, if Event Organiser Pro is capable for the following use cases:

    1) Attendees need to register for an event.

    2) While events are readable for public, only logged in users with a valid user account can register for / book in for any given event. Login and user registration are handled separately.

    3) If logged-in, a user can access a page listing all her events, she’s booked. Future events as well as from the past.

    4) Events are for free (no payment gateway needed), but booking is required. There’ll be individual limits of available spaces. If all spaces for a given event are booked, booking shall still be possible for users, but those who come late should be assigned to a waiting list for this event. User can also cancel a booking. If some does so, before the event has started, the first waiting list user automatically becomes a regular attendee. Ideally, an email would send out to her.

    5) Event Managers (custom role with Wp-Admin access ) can display lists with attendees for a particular event. As attendees need to be registered users, additional user data could be displayed in the list. Lists could be exported to csv or printed as pdf file.

    If and to what extend are these use cases doable with Event Organiser (Pro)?

    Thanks and Merry Christmas,

    #25497 Reply

    Hi Ron,

    1 & 2 – yes, you can configure whether a user has to be logged-in or not to place a booking. By default, for logged-out users, they’ll be able to log-in from the booking form.

    3 – there’s a shortcode for this. It displays all the bookings for the current (logged-in) user, so you’ll just need to create a page with that shortcode.

    4 – Events can be free. If they are free you do not need to configure a payment gateway, nor the user need to proceed through a payment gateway. You can have multiple ticket types, each with their own limit, plus a global capacity limit.

    If all spaces for a given event are booked, booking shall still be possible for users, but those who come late should be assigned to a waiting list for this event

    There is no waiting-list feature.

    User can also cancel a booking

    There’s an option with the booking history shortcode that allows users to cancel bookings.

    5 – There are no custom roles by default in Event Organiser, but you can assign capabilities to any role and allow users of that role to manage theirs (or other’s bookings) and create/edit events. Those that can manage bookings can view these in the bookings admin page. From there you can filter by event and export the bookings to CSV (along with any information collected on the booking form). Additionally you can export the individual tickets.

    Please note that users who can manage their bookings but not manager bookings of other users will only be able to edit / export bookings for their events. This means they will need to filter by (their) event before exporting.

    By default bookings for other users’ events will appear in the Bookings admin screen, but are not exportable / editable by that user (unless they have the”‘manage others’ bookings” capability). I can provide a snippet if you want these hidden from that user.

    Merry Christmas!

    Stephen Harris
    #25498 Reply

    Hi Ron,

    1 & 2 – yes, you can configure whether a user has to be logged-in or not to place a booking. By default, for logged-out users, they’ll be able to log-in from the booking form.

    3 – there’s a shortcode for this. It displays all the bookings for the current (logged-in) user, so you’ll just need to create a page with that shortcode.

    4 – Events can be free. If they are free you do not need to configure a payment gateway, nor the user need to proceed through a payment gateway. You can have multiple ticket types, each with their own limit, plus a global capacity limit.

    If all spaces for a given event are booked, booking shall still be possible for users, but those who come late should be assigned to a waiting list for this event

    There is no waiting-list feature.

    User can also cancel a booking

    There’s an option with the booking history shortcode that allows users to cancel bookings.

    5 – There are no custom roles by default in Event Organiser, but you can assign capabilities to any role and allow users of that role to manage theirs (or other’s bookings) and create/edit events. Those that can manage bookings can view these in the bookings admin page. From there you can filter by event and export the bookings to CSV (along with any information collected on the booking form). Additionally you can export the individual tickets.

    Please note that users who can manage their bookings but not manager bookings of other users will only be able to edit / export bookings for their events. This means they will need to filter by (their) event before exporting.

    By default bookings for other users’ events will appear in the Bookings admin screen, but are not exportable / editable by that user (unless they have the”‘manage others’ bookings” capability). I can provide a snippet if you want these hidden from that user.

    Merry Christmas!

    Stephen Harris
    #25529 Reply


    Thanks a lot for your comprehensive answer. Good news to me regarding most of the requested features.

    Let me kindly digg deeper with two of my previous scenarios:

    a) You pointed out that there’s no waiting list feature at the moment. Could you please kindly outline a way, how you’d add this waiting list feature if necessary? Imagine talking in pseudo code, what steps would be needed? Plus, is it an official option to place a commercial order of such an add-on to you? If so, how much would it be?

    b) Export of lists of participants from WP Admin: I understand the user role and capability stuff. My question is, if a list of participants for a particular event is exported, not only data from the booking form is needed but data from the wp_usermeta table, too. Again just like with part a) How would you approach this requirement? For example, which hooks would be needed to loop through other tables data with each participant’s user_id?

    I know, that’s a lot I’m asking for. So I appreciate any help very much. Also, I’m happily willing to pay for stable, reliable and update proof solutions that match these requirements.

    Thanks and a Happy New Year!

    #25559 Reply

    Hi Ron,

    I will have to get back to you regarding (a): by default bookings are not created if there is in sufficient space for them, so I’d need to think about how that can be circumvented (in an update-friendly way). Once created you could simply have them assigned to a (custom) booking status which doesn’t reserve spaces. Then, whenever spaces become available, change the status of a booking from the waiting list.

    (b) This is possible. The code is slightly different depending on whether it is the booking or ticket export, I’ve included both below:

     * Adding columns to the booking export
    add_filter( 'eventorganiser_export_bookings_headers', function ( $columns ){
        return array_merge( $columns, array(
            'my_column_id'       => 'My column name'
    } );
    add_filter( 'eventorganiser_export_bookings_cell_my_column_id', function ( $value, $booking ){
        $user_id = (int) eo_get_booking_meta( $booking->ID, 'bookee' );
        //set value of $value (should be a string).
        return $value;
    }, 10, 2 );
     * Adding columns to the ticket export
    add_filter( 'eventorganiser_export_tickets_headers', function ( $columns ){
        return array_merge( $columns, array(
            'my_column_id'       => 'My column name'
    } );
    add_filter( 'eventorganiser_export_tickets_cell_my_column_id', function ( $value, $ticket ){
        $user_id = (int) eo_get_booking_meta( $ticket->booking_id 'bookee' );
        //set value of $value (should be a string).
        return $value;
    }, 10, 2 );
    Stephen Harris
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