"Are current events past?" flag inverted

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums Report A Bug "Are current events past?" flag inverted

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 12 years, 3 months ago.

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    When I set “Are current events past?” to “Yes”, currently happening events are visible.

    When I set it to “No”, they are not.

    This appears to be the wrong way around based on the description:

    “If ‘no’ is selected, an occurrence of an event is only past when it has finished. Otherwise, an occurrence is considered ‘past’ as soon as it starts.”


    Hi Paul,

    You’re right. I’m not sure how long the labels have been reversed – it may have been with the update to the settings page in 1.6, else I’m surprised its only just been reported ;). I’ll fix this in 1.6.2 (due soon). Select whichever one produces the right results for you and the labels will be corrected when you update!

    Stephen Harris

    Thanks Stephen 🙂


    Thanks for this post!

    After upgrading wordpress to 3.5 and EO to 1.6.1 (thinking I tested enough) I suddenly noticed the current events no longer showing in my list view. Luckily inverting the setting is the fix like you said 🙂


    This has been fixed on the development branch (see ticket), and will be in the 1.6.2 release, which shall be released within the next week or so.

    Stephen Harris
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