Appearance on iPhone

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 11 years ago.

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  • #9788 Reply

    I am testing the DIVI theme from Elegant Themes. The full calendar looks bad on the iPhone but looks great on full screen. The minimal calendar looks good on the iPhone but not great on full screen. Is there a way to switch between the two depending on the viewing screen? I hope so because, except for that, I like your calendar the best of all of the many I have tried. Thanks for your help!

    Ted Barnett
    #9802 Reply

    Hi Ted,

    Glad you like the plug-in :). It should be possible (either using javascript or media queries) to show the appropriate calendar according to screensize. However this forum is for pre-sales questions, if you need assistance please use these forums (or if you’re not a customer, you can always post a question here:

    Stephen Harris
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