Antispam field, any non-numeric value are allowed

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums Report A Bug Antispam field, any non-numeric value are allowed

This topic contains 6 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 4 years, 10 months ago.

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    With Event Organiser Pro 3 the Antispam form field accepts any non-numeric value as valid.



    Just wanted to add/clarify that this works with version 2 but not with version 3.

    Do you have any update planned?



    Hi again, I hope everything is alright

    I have been trying the alternative, Google reCaptcha but it’s not working.
    The form will not submit.
    Safari browser console shows error for “The source list for Content Security Policy directive ‘script-src’ contains an invalid source: ”strict-dynamic”. It will be ignored.”
    “Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 400 () /wp-json/eventorg/v1/booking

    We have been building a new site around version 3, please advise if I should install version 2 where Anti spam form field works? (I have also had a few other questions over the last months on version 3) …or if you have a planned update very soon as we need to launch the new site next week



    …I just tried submitting a basic form with Google reCapcha on EO Pro version 2 and here it worked.
    However Safari browser console was still showing errors for “The source list for Content Security Policy directive ‘script-src’ contains an invalid source: ”strict-dynamic”. It will be ignored.”

    If I switch to latest EO Pro version 3, the form will not submit. “This field is required.” messsage appear and also the browser console shows the ““Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 400 () /wp-json/eventorg/v1/booking”

    I´m testing with latest WordPress + default theme and no other plugins than yours:

    Event Organiser Version 3.9.0

    Event Organiser Booking Notification Settings Version 1.0.0

    Event Organiser Discount Codes Version 1.3.3

    Event Organiser Pro Version 3.0.9



    Thanks for reporting these issues, I’ve managed to track down the bugs (which would impact versions 3.0.0-3.0.10).

    I’ve released an update (3.0.11 which should fix both of them).

    Stephen Harris

    Thank you Stephen!

    I just tried the anti-spam field and it works now.

    However, the browser console still show error message ““Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 400 () /wp-json/eventorg/v1/booking”. Is that to be expected?

    Earlier on one occasion there was also an browser console error for wp-json/eventorg/v1/gateways/offline and then EO Pro triggered an error message in the browser “You do not have permission” and the form could not be submitted, any idea what could have caused that?
    …this was before I upgraded to latest version and I have not been able to replacate this since (it happened on the new extra confirmation page).



    Could you email me with a link to the booking form, and I’ll take a look?

    The browser console error you report might be harmless. Essentially, when you make a booking, a token is stored in the browser which proves that user owns the booking. This allows the plug-in to recognize the user when they return to the bookings page (e.g. after they’ve gone through a payment gateway) and display them the booking.

    If that token has expired, then you might see that error message in the console, but all that should happen from the end’s user perspective is that they’ll see the booking form rather than a confirmation message.

    The token should last for 30 minutes, and the browser should remove it after that time.

    Stephen Harris
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